NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - TTM question

gutrot81 - Feb 23, 2017 - 12:17 PM
Post subject: TTM question
Hi all,

Just wondering about this.

If you land on a player, that player is Knocked Down, and the thrown player is scattered once and then Place Prone and must roll for armour/injury, but this is not a turnover unless the player that was landed on was on your own side (or the thrown player was holding the ball)!

In bold I get this Under lined, doesn't this mean if the player scatters into another player (i.e thrown into a cage) the second player is also knocked down?

1. does the scatter knock down a second player if so in theory this could be like bowling?

2 if not what happens to the scattering player>
Tojurub - Feb 23, 2017 - 01:09 PM
Post subject: RE: TTM question
only one player is knocked over... the first "hit" is knocked over, and then you scatter until the flying player find an emoty square to "die"
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