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Rules Questions - A few questions

gutrot81 - Feb 26, 2017 - 10:59 AM
Post subject: A few questions
1 side step. Current print says may choose destination when pushed back. It doesn't state as the result of a block. Can I therefore choose if caught in a chain block? I'm guessing I cannot choose if prone though?

2 in ball scatter not in my turn (oppo fumbles etc) can i use catch skill to reroll if I fail but not use a team reroll as it's not my turn?

3 safe throw catch intercept. If safe throw cancelled an intercept made first time by a player with catch. can catch be used the reroll the int attempt? I. Catch used once safe throw used once? As I believe it no as catch is for a failed int but they initially succeeded and safe throw states cancelled not failed.

4. A player fails a catch roll and catch reroll ball scatters back to that player who fails again to catch can they then use diving catch if they had it as a separate action or is this seen as a double reroll. Also can an adjacent player use diving catch? Can that player do it to 'intercept' as it were if they are on the other team. Can a player on the in turn team who has already moved use diving catch as an additional action?

Finally 5. For low av and st teams is wrestle as useful as block? In that it saves ur dude dying and takes their player out for your turn and reduces their movement next turn. Jump up excluded
apethemin - Apr 10, 2017 - 03:01 PM
Post subject:
1. Sidestep can be used even if you are chain pushed. The rule also states that you may use sidestep while being knocked over, it doesn't clearly state you can't use it while already prone but I believe the spirit of the rule implies that you can not.

2. This is correct, Player rerolls (catch, dodge etc...) can be used out of turn.

3. Safe throw states if the agility roll is successful the interception is cancelled out and the passing sequence continues as normal, catch can not be used a second time.

4. Diving catch does not give a reroll and it can not be used on a bouncing ball.

5. If you don't mind getting fouled wrestle can be great. I wouldn't say it is more useful but it definitely has its uses. Block is widely considered the best skill in the game because not only does it protect you from both downs it is a great offensive tool for creating casualties. Wrestle is typically put on a player that is used to get the ball away from the opponent as it is the only skill to counteract block.

Hope this helps
Tojurub - Apr 11, 2017 - 11:19 AM
Post subject:
      apethemin wrote:
1. Sidestep can be used even if you are chain pushed. The rule also states that you may use sidestep while being knocked over, it doesn't clearly state you can't use it while already prone but I believe the spirit of the rule implies that you can not.

It states at the beginning for all skills, that unless stated in the rules otherwise, that a couple of things are true for all skills, including
"Only extraordinary skills work when a player is prone or stunned."
(page 32 in the new Official Rules)

So it is indirectly written in the rules that you can't use Side Step when prone or stunned.
gutrot81 - Apr 13, 2017 - 09:27 AM
Post subject:
Cheers both, I did assume i couldn't use it whilst prone however its always good to check.
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