NAF World Headquarters

North America - North Carolina League

xtacleronnie - Mar 13, 2017 - 12:44 PM
Post subject: North Carolina League
I'm reaching out to and BB players in North Carolina, more specifically Asheville area, trying to see what kind of presence of players are around here. I just wrapped the Blitzmania league at my local game store and ended up winning. That was mostly due to the fact I only played 2 games and won both and that was the most games played by one coach for the entire league. The turn out was disappointing to say the least but being the first official league in my town that I know of, it may gain in attendance by the next go around. I may try to take over the league play that happens through the game store but I want more coaches! So if you live in Asheville or are in a reasonable driving distance, let me know you are out there. I would love to get a tournament here in the future too but a good league would be a good start.

Also I'm very new to league play and Blood Bowl itself, the latest edition and BB2, and now recently FUMMBL, being the only versions of the game I have played. So any BB advice or tips on how to run leagues would be greatly welcome.
Gaixo - Mar 14, 2017 - 06:13 AM
Post subject: RE: North Carolina League
There's a pretty sizable league in Raleigh. Maybe you could make it to one of their tournaments (though there isn't one scheduled at the moment, I believe they're shooting for late summer) just to see if anyone else comes out of the woodwork. Good luck!
xtacleronnie - Mar 14, 2017 - 08:08 AM
Post subject: RE: North Carolina League
Awesome! I would do a 3 hour drive for a tournament, I'll keep an eye out. Thanks for the heads up.
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