NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - New strength skill: Reinforced Armor

daggerheart - Sep 25, 2017 - 06:12 AM
Post subject: New strength skill: Reinforced Armor
Honorable members of NAF,

I personally think the claw skill has too much impact on the game. Armor should count more at higher TV. Please add this new skill to the next version of the living rule book.

I suggest three options, the first is the best one:

1) Add the following strength skill: Reinforced armor will repel claw and all other armor reducing attacks. When prone the normal rules apply. (Claw and other weapons will not benefit armor rolls extra when prone)

Of course the name of the skill could be different. Mithril induced, Armor of the Gods ... etc etc..
2) To make the new skill "less" good, and maybe more will support it: Reinforced armor makes armor reducing attacks weaker and armor value goes down only by 1.
3) Change Claw mutation to reduce armor by 1, but not below 7
Darkson - Sep 25, 2017 - 06:32 AM
Post subject: RE: New strength skill: Reinforced Armor
#1 - the NAF does not, and never has, had any direct access to rule changes.

#2 - the Living Rulebook doesn't exist anymore.

#3 - unless you're adding a house rule, GW are the only people that can add new rules.
daggerheart - Sep 25, 2017 - 06:42 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: New strength skill: Reinforced Armor
      Darkson wrote:
#1 - the NAF does not, and never has, had any direct access to rule changes.

#2 - the Living Rulebook doesn't exist anymore.

#3 - unless you're adding a house rule, GW are the only people that can add new rules.

I understand Sir, I will contact GW then.

Still I don't understand why you don't support a counter skill to claws. Armor HAVE to count more. Mighty blow and pile on does dmg still. And since you have to ADD the skill, it will beef up the TV.

You got a skill that makes armor useless, then you need a skill to make it normal again, to be able to counter it. It's pretty logic...
Tojurub - Sep 25, 2017 - 06:51 AM
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: New strength skill: Reinforced Armor
while you are at it contacting GW... can you also ask to extend the Sure Feet Skill to allow failed landing rolls on a Throw Team-mate
daggerheart - Sep 25, 2017 - 06:55 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: New strength skill: Reinforced Armor
      Tojurub wrote:
while you are at it contacting GW... can you also ask to extend the Sure Feet Skill to allow failed landing rolls on a Throw Team-mate

I will do that Sir.
Darkson - Sep 25, 2017 - 11:27 AM
Post subject: Re: RE: New strength skill: Reinforced Armor
      daggerheart wrote:
Still I don't understand why you don't support a counter skill to claws.

Because none of the stats have ever shown it's needed.
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