NAF World Headquarters

General - Why are Orcs Tier 1 in tournaments?

keksmuzh - Nov 19, 2017 - 04:12 PM
Post subject: Why are Orcs Tier 1 in tournaments?
My league was looking at the rules for the new NAF Ladder on Blood Bowl 2, and were discussing a few parts of the rules. One of my players was adamant that Orcs did not belong in tier 1, and after looking at the tournament data from Talk Fantasy Football I’m inclined to agree:

Based on both overall win rates and matchups with other races, Orcs seem to belong solidly in tier 2. Even among tier 2 teams they seem to have bad matchups against some of the stronger tier 2 teams like Pro Elves, High Elves, and Necro (which is considered tier 1 in some formats). The only tier 1 team they seem to do well against is Dwarf.

In spite of this, I have never seen a tournament rule set where Orcs are not tier 1 in a 3 tier system. Does anyone have a reason for why this is?
Darkson - Nov 20, 2017 - 10:18 AM
Post subject: RE: Why are Orcs Tier 1 in tournaments?
Orcs, and Humans, have their rankings dragged down by being the races that new players mainly use, being the ones that were in both the current and previous box sets. For many (though obviously not all) new players, their first tournament is a bit of an eye opener with the standard of play (I thought I was a good player until I started attending events).

Not saying that's the only reason, but it's one that is often mentioned.

But at the end of the day it's up to the individual tournament organiser to decide the tiers, there is no "official NAF tiering".
lunchmoney - Nov 20, 2017 - 01:30 PM
Post subject: RE: Why are Orcs Tier 1 in tournaments?
+1 to what Darkson said. I've seen it in the past 12 months; many new coaches, all with orcs and humans. Orcs are a solid team in the hands of an experienced coach.
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