NAF World Headquarters

Painting - The Musketeer’s Bench

untitled_musketeer - May 20, 2018 - 04:51 AM
Post subject: The Musketeer’s Bench
Hey everyone!

I’m a relatively new to the Bloodbowl universe but I have been playing with Warhammer for a long time. I thought I’d start a thread that’ll document my foray into the world of Bloodbowl painting.

I’ve spent the last week or so really making headway with Human Team from the game box. Firstly, the miniatures are great! I love the scale and I particularly love how the GW plastic kits have really come along! Clean, crisp, and snap fit too!

I decided I was going to base my team on a real life team my wife supports (in the hope I shall have a fellow coach to play with), Mansfield Town. My team is called the Mannesfeld Stags and I’ve had a blast painting them. I’ve finally finished my Linemen and thought I’d share them with you all. I’ll try and get the rest of the team finished and get pictures up as soon as possible!

As I’m a Bloodbowl noob, I’d appreciate any comments or criticisms!


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