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Strategy and Tactics - streetball - lizardmen 700k with up to 100k skills rez tour

HAVIK110 - Sep 29, 2018 - 12:11 PM
Post subject: streetball - lizardmen 700k with up to 100k skills rez tour
so my 1st post here.

I am going to play in a street bowl tourney.

standard street ball rules. 700k to build a team but skills come out of that money. up to 2 of the same skills, only 2 skills per player, no leader.

I played my last tourney with 4 saurus ( 2 with block-mb and 1 with guard)

at this point im thinking 2 block, 2 guard and 1 wrestle or 2 block, 2 wrestle and 1 guard.

I know people say when they limit skills this is a disadvantage to lizards but I was hoping people had some ideas
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