NAF World Headquarters

General - Dice-rolling rituals survey

MrMwenda - Apr 23, 2019 - 02:00 AM
Post subject: Dice-rolling rituals survey
Dear all,

I am an experienced social scientist and keen Blood Bowl player myself. Since participating in my first Blood Bowl tournament a few years ago I have become interested in the dice-rolling rituals that table-top Blood Bowl players perform around and during games. This questionnaire is a means of getting information from a wide selection of Blood Bowl players across the wider Blood Bowl playing community. It will augment my observations at the tournaments I attend.

The results of this questionnaire will form the basis of a social scientific article on board game rituals. It collects information on the teams players favour, the types of rituals players perform and the reasons why they perform the rituals. The questionnaire comprises 10 questions and should take approximately fifteen minutes of your time. All answers are confidential.

Any and all responses are much appreciated. Please feel free to email (first page of the survey) me if you have any further queries. Please feel free to distribute the link to any Blood Bowl players you think may be interested.


Forum mods, I don't know if it acceptable or not, but if possible I'd be most grateful if you could make this a 'sticky'. I understand fully if it isn't.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Mwenda
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