NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - So;emn and Silent Stadium and ball carrier

tombstone_frank - Jan 24, 2020 - 06:34 PM
Post subject: So;emn and Silent Stadium and ball carrier
Here's the rule: If a player is pushed into the crowd, they can return to play after the pushing player has decided whether or not they will follow up. The pushed player's coach places them back onto the pitch in a square that is a) adjacent to the sidelines and b) as close as possible to the square they left when they were pushed off the pitch. If they were Knocked Down when they were pushed off (for example, by a Defender Down result), they are Placed Prone and an Armour roll is made for them as normal. Otherwise, they return to play standing.

Does the ball carrier return to the field with or without the ball? My thought is ball off the pitch is a throw in, no matter what.

Is there an official ruling or is it up to each league? What do you think?
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