NAF World Headquarters

General - Stunty Teams?!

gorgazamsnatcha - Mar 20, 2022 - 08:35 PM
Post subject: Stunty Teams?!
Forgive me but I am a relatively new player, just finished my first tournament and have only played in a couple leagues to date.

My question is about what consitutes a stunty team? There is a lot of conflicting information out there.

Can you run a lizardmen stunty team? If so then why would you not be able to run a black orc stunty team?

Thanks in advance for your responses!
Gaixo - Mar 21, 2022 - 06:51 AM
Post subject: RE: Stunty Teams?!
This is defined by each organizer/commissioner. Since the advent of BB20, we've seen (or at least I've seen) less of the "alt" stunty teams like underworld goblins and skinks in event manuals. But yes, if you included those, I don't see why goblin bruisers wouldn't also be an option. Pretty sure they'd also be the worst option, though!
Dirk - Mar 21, 2022 - 03:50 PM
Post subject: RE: Stunty Teams?!
Just to add another thing to consider as in our region on the one hand the alternative stunty teams were sometimes an option but on the other ogres counted only as stunty with a maximum for the ogres, now with someone new in charge for the tournament series it is ruled only the normal stunties go into the series stunty ranking. So less stunty fun, but more of an equal treatment for all tournaments!

And just to ensure what we mean with alternative stunty teams as you mention being new:
- Lzardman without Saurus
- Underworld without Skaven (or rarely without Skaven Positionals)

Appling this to stunty Black Orc would mean no Black Orcs.

And with BB2020 many options for starplayers are gone which made stunties at least a bit competitive or you see list that do not feel like stunties, but more like superstars with small sidekicks (like Morg, Hakflem + stunty of your choice).
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