NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - SPP for injured players - idea f

medaloffairness - May 20, 2023 - 02:18 PM
Post subject: SPP for injured players - idea f
Hi NAF-members,

I came up with an idea recently and would like to hear your thoughts.

1. Issue
At least I see it as a barrier of entry that you can have a BB game and nuffle hates you, you get outnumbered and soon your injury box gets filled with players, some of them never being able to come boack.
After 2 hours the beating is over, you lost, 2-0 or even worse, got the MVP, lost 2-3 players for god and your next league match won`t be a piece of cake anymore.

2. Proposal
I would honor the commitment of the players and give them 1 SPP as soon they go into the injury box.

3. Impact
From my point of view it will allow titchy teams to progress better.
It will give an incentive to players to still commit players to the opponent team, even though they are outnumbered.
Alll the AV6-7 teams would benefit from it in league play. I wouldn`t think it will make them broken, but most likely players will progress which normally don^t progress at all or at a very slow pace. Assasins, Bombers, Linos....

4. What about the Lore of BB
Well, SPP for injured players makes much more sense than providing a thrower an SPP dependent on somebody else catching the ball. The injured player was standing tall against the treemans, Blackorks, Rat Ogres... or tried to GFI to reach the endzone and ... splash...

Let me know Smile constructive feedback is always welcome. BB has seen some crazy rule changes in the past years. my biggest concern is how to keep new players at the table Smile
Dirk - May 21, 2023 - 07:47 AM
Post subject: RE: SPP for injured players - idea f
Interesting idea, Necromunda has a similar mechanism.

1xp will not make up for missing the next game, but be better than nothing.

Who would you handle Regeneration or even simplier use of the Apothecary?
medaloffairness - May 21, 2023 - 12:16 PM
Post subject: RE: SPP for injured players - idea f
Thank you, Good question,

the rule for SPP based on injuries could be - Every player who remains in the injury box during the end of game sequence gains 1 SPP.

This would deal with regenartion and apos (which is a choice to use by the coach)
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