NAF World Headquarters

North America - 4 Diamonds Cup 2024. May 4 Dillsburg, PA

ForceCommander - Mar 02, 2024 - 09:09 AM
Post subject: 4 Diamonds Cup 2024. May 4 Dillsburg, PA
The most beloved (well, longest running at least?) South Central PA charity Blood Bowl tournament is back for year 16!

Please plan to join us on May 4th for a day of Blood Bowl, great food, fundraising, and of course sweet sweet raffle prizes!

Full rules are here:

Your $25 entry fee gets you tournament dice, reroll - turn - and score tokens, raffle tickets , homemade lunch, and whatever other cool stuff we can come up with!

We will be using our Four Diamonds Donor page as the official pre-registration list, here’s how to secure your spot:

Once you've registered, put together your most ingenious roster and send it to

Please take a minute to read about the mission of The Four Diamonds Fund:

Tell all your friends (and people you don't really like but play Blood Bowl), make your travel plans, and start working on your roster!

Tell all your friends (and people you don't like but play Blood Bowl), make your travel plans (you can pitch it as an educational trip since the Gettysburg battlefield is close by OR a manly sports trip with the Harrisburg Senators playing that evening OR a family trip 'cause you can go to Hershey Park!), and start working on your roster!

If you have any questions at all please reach out to me!

All the best,

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