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20 Post subject: Spiked Shoe Cup - Waterloo, ON - August 19th 2017  PostPosted: Aug 09, 2017 - 08:32 AM

Joined: Jan 19, 2005
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Date & Location
Spiked Shoe Cup is a one-day three-game Blood Bowl tournament taking place on Saturday August 19th 2017 at the Watchtower Restaurant in Waterloo, Ont

Watchtower Restaurant
80 Lester St Unit 105,
Waterloo, ON
N2L 3W5,


Time Saturday August 19th
10:00 AM Registration
10:15 AM Game #1
12:15 PM Lunch Break
1:00 PM Game #2
3:15 PM Game #3
5:30 PM Awards

The cost for the tournament is $10 which will include D6 & NAF membership if not a current member. The Watchtower serves really great food so you’ll be sure to find something you like. Cash on the day of the event is great.

Roster Submission
Due to the tight timeline before this event, coaches will not need to submit rosters in advance. They are strongly encouraged to bring multiple printed (not hand written) copies for their own tracking, opponents reference, and tournament organizer.

Modeling Requirements
All players on all teams must be based and clearly numbered or marked with skill bands. Themed variations on teams are encouraged as long as the models are internally consistent. Teams that are fully painted will receive one free cheerleader and one free assistant coach for the duration of
the tournament (does not contribute towards overall Team Value). Whether or not a team meets these requirements is at the sole discretion of the tournament organizer.

Rule #1
Have fun and don’t be a jerk. Good-natured ribbing between friends is encouraged but unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated.

Rules Documents
All Blood Bowl game rules and player costs will reference the following two documents:
- Games Workshop Competition Rules Pack:
- NAF Tournament Rules v1.3:

Team Creation
- Coaches will create a rookie team at 1100K Team Value using the Competition Rules Pack (CRP). Slann, Chaos Pact, and
Underworld teams are also allowed. Fan Factor may not be purchased during team creation.
- All team races that have a Goblin Player in their list of available players have the allowed quantity for the Goblin Player adjusted
to 1-16 if it is not that already. All other teams have the following added to their list of available players:

Qty Title Cost MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
1-16 Goblin 40k 6 2 3 7 Right Stuff, Dodge Stunty A GSP

All teams must have at least one goblin on their team.
Fan Factor may not be purchased outright. Each team’s Fan Factor is equal to the number of Goblin Players on the roster and
does not contribute to overall Team Value.
- Per the Team Race chart below, only Tier 4 teams may add 0-2 Star Players to their rosters. Reminder: Per CRP rules, casualties
suffered by Star Players may not be mitigated by apothecaries on your roster.

Stunty Team Bonuses
- Goblin teams may purchase 0-3 bribes as permanent roster additions at a cost of 50K each instead of 100k each.
- Dirty Player is considered a Normal skill for Goblin Players on Goblin teams.
- Halfling teams may purchase a Halfling Master Chef for 100K as permanent roster addition.

Skill Packs
Teams may add skills to their rostered players per the schedule below. Teams may not acquire the same skill more than three times.

Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardman, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead, or Wood Elf

Tier 2: Chaos, Chaos Pact, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle, or Pro Elf

Tier 3: Slann, Underworld, or Vampire

Tier 4: Goblin, Halfling, or Ogre

Tier 1: 2 normal + 1 double, max added skills per player:1(No Leader access)
Tier 2: 4 normal + 1 double, max added skills per player:1
Tier 3: 4 normal + 2 double, max added skills per player:2
Tier 4: 4 normal + 3 double, max added skills per player:2

SPECIAL OPTION: For the Love of FOULING! (any team race)

Three of your race’s default Lineman position players receive the Dirty
Player and Sneaky Git skills. This option may be taken instead of any of
the options listed above.

Tournament Special Rules
- Yer Not Ded: This will be a resurrection-style tournament (i.e. rosters reset at the beginning of each round).
- I Forgotted: Goblins never expect anyone to remember anything. The “Illegal Procedure” rule will not be used.
- Cheet to Win: Once per half, you may try and sneak a Goblin Player on to the pitch from the Reserve Box in this manner:
1. Place a Goblin Player currently in your Reserve Box in a square along the sideline on your side of the pitch.
2. Declare the action that you wish to take with this Goblin Player.
3. Roll a d8. If the result on the roll is less than or equal to the current turn # then you may proceed with the chosen
action as if the Goblin Player started the turn in the square you placed it in step 1. Otherwise, your Goblin Player is
ejected from the game causing a turnover. Bribes may not be used to prevent this ejection.

- Kikkum Inna Beenz: There will be a special award for the coach that fouls the most effectively. During each round, coaches
should track the number of Stun, Knock-Out, and Casualty results that they achieve via fouling. Coaches will receive one fouling
point for a stun, two fouling points for a Knock-Out, and four fouling points for a Casualty. Whether or not players are ejected
for fouling doesn’t matter.
- Home Feeld Udvantij: If you are playing your game on a Foul Frenzy or Blingtoof’s Gitbash FF-Fields pitch that you own you may
increase your Fan Factor by 1. This does not increase your overall Team Value. If both coaches bring such a pitch then both
teams receive this bonus.
- Dat Guyz Da Boss: Any rulings on these or any other rules are made at the tournament organizer’s sole discretion, whose word
is final.

Tournament Scoring
Coaches will be paired randomly in the first round and then by Swiss pairings in subsequent rounds. Coaches will score 3 tournament
points for a win, one tournament point for a draw, and zero tournament points for a loss. Any matches conceded by absence will be
scored at -1 tournament point to each coach if both coaches are absent with zero touchdowns and zero casualties for each coach. If
only one coach is absent the coach that is present will receive 3 tournament points and be deemed to have scored one touchdown
and zero casualties and the absent coach will be deemed to have scored zero touchdowns and zero casualties and receive -1
tournament points. Tie-breakers will be as follows:
1. Net Touchdowns
2. Net Casualties
3. Total Touchdowns
4. Total Casualties

Trophies in Order of Prestige
- Tournament Winner: The coach with the most tournament points and best tie-breakers if multiple coaches have the same
amount of tournament points.
- Best Fouler: The coach with the most fouling points (as per the “Kikkum inna beenz” rule). The Best Fouler is deemed to be the
second-place coach, regardless of tournament record (unless, of course, he also is the Tournament Winner).
- Most Touchdowns: The coach whose team scores the most touchdowns.
- Most Casualties: The coach whose team scores the most casualties as a result of blocking.
- Best Team: This will be voted on by the tournament participants. Although painting, basing, and conversion are important
factors this is not simply a best-painted award. Theme and overall presentation factor heavily into this award. You may
nominate yourself for this award.
- Best Sport: This will be voted on by the tournament participants and will be awarded to the coach who was the most enjoyable
to play against and be around over the course of the tournament. Votes may be given to anyone, not just your opponents. You
may not nominate yourself for this award.
- Wooden Spoon: The coach with the worst tournament record.
- Coaches may win multiple trophies. If the tournament director must play to avoid byes and happens to win a trophy that trophy
will be awarded to the next-most eligible person.

The prizes available at the tournament will be laid out on a prize table. All of the trophy winners listed above will be allowed to pick one prize from the table in the order listed above. If there are prizes left over after the trophy winners pick their prizes the remaining coaches will be given prizes in descending order of how they placed in the tournament. Trophy
winners may receive multiple prizes if they win multiple trophies.

Dice Rules & Tournament Etiquette
1. Any block dice with clear symbols may be used during the tournament. The tournament organizer (TO) has sole discretion over which block dice may be
2. Coaches will be provided with two six-sided dice. The TO or either coach may insist that both coaches use the dice provided for the tournament at the start
of any game. Coaches may not compel the sharing of dice or the using of another player’s dice.
3. Before the opening kick-off, each coach is obligated to provide his opponent with a copy of his roster and to point out players that have been given
upgrades. Upgraded players must be distinctly marked. It is each coach’s responsibility to ensure that they fully comprehend their opponents’ rosters before
games start and that their opponents’ figures are marked/highlighted correctly.
4. Coaches must consistently indicate which players on their team have performed an action on their turn. Turning miniatures around 180 degrees is suggested.
5. Please confirm with your opponent before blocking that you are rolling the correct number of block dice.
6. If, after rolling any quantity of dice, any of them are cocked or fall off the table the entire pool of dice must be re-rolled. A die is considered cocked if it is not possible to place another identical die on top of it without it falling off.
7. If an incorrect number of dice are rolled then that entire roll is nullified and a new roll is made with the correct number of dice.
8. Dice should be rolled in a manner that ensures random results. You know what this means and what it prohibits. If a coach engages in dice-rolling techniques
that, at the tournament organizer’s discretion, seek to proactively affect the result that coach will be immediately disqualified from the tournament with no
refund and is ineligible for any prizes. Dice cups may be used as long as, when rolling, the cup is shaken vigorously and turned completely upside down.
9. Per the CRP rulebook, coaches are obligated to announce the action each player is taking as it is activated before any dice rolls are made. If a coach forgets to declare a Handoff, Blitz, Pass, or Foul action before rolling any dice during a given player’s activation (including but not limited to Wild Animal/Really Stupid/Bonehead rolls, dodge rolls, or picking up the ball) that action will be deemed a Move action by rule. This rule does not cause the coach to lose his Handoff, Blitz, Pass, or Foul action that turn.
10. Missed Opportunities: If a coach forgets to do anything during his turn and game state has changed the opposing coach is under no obligation to allow the take-back.
11. Any disagreements between coaches that cannot be resolved between the coaches themselves that the TO did not witness will be resolved by a coin-flip.

***Huge Thank You to wapcaplets for allowing us to use his wonderful rule set in the wake of the Foul Frenzy cancellation this season. We look forward to you taking back the captains chair next season!***

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada

Last edited by grant85 on Aug 14, 2017 - 06:53 PM; edited 1 time in total
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Post subject: RE: Spiked Shoe Cup - Waterloo, ON - August 19th 2017  PostPosted: Aug 09, 2017 - 08:32 AM

Joined: Jan 19, 2005
Posts: 1295
Location: Canada
Status: Offline

Grant (odd man out)
Anthony A
Aaron London
Devon #1 KW
Devin #2 KW
Tom (?)
Andrew S
Scott C
Steve W (?)
Nathan (?)
Derek KW
Chris KW
Myles KW
Derek #2 KW
Scotty M KW
Dave T

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada

Last edited by grant85 on Aug 14, 2017 - 07:32 AM; edited 4 times in total
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Post subject: RE: Spiked Shoe Cup - Waterloo, ON - August 19th 2017  PostPosted: Aug 09, 2017 - 08:58 AM

Joined: Mar 14, 2010
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To be clear - all teams need to have at least 1 goblin since it is added to your roster as 1-16.

1st: Warpstone 2012, Brewhouse Bowl, Brewhouse Bowl III
Best Paint: Blingtoof 2012, ZB IX, Brewhaus Bowl II
Team Champs: ZB VIII, Lakeside Cup 2013, Amorical Cup 2017
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Post subject: RE: Spiked Shoe Cup - Waterloo, ON - August 19th 2017  PostPosted: Aug 09, 2017 - 09:28 AM

Joined: Jan 29, 2013
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I know you can't use a bribe if you fail Cheet to Win, but can you Argue the Call?

Ursa Major '19 Champ.
The Tragically Hit - Amorical Cup 2517 Team Champs.
GLAM Stunty 2017

PLUS: 3x Stunty, 1x Most TD, 2x Best D, 2x Most CAS, 3x 2nd, 3x 3rd, 2x Spoon.
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Post subject: Re: RE: Spiked Shoe Cup - Waterloo, ON - August 19th 2017  PostPosted: Aug 09, 2017 - 10:17 AM

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      genghis wrote:
I know you can't use a bribe if you fail Cheet to Win, but can you Argue the Call?

Good question and really cool possible rule change for future years.

This year you cannot Argue the Call if your failed the Cheet to Win roll causes an ejection.

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Spiked Shoe Cup - Waterloo, ON - August 19th 20  PostPosted: Aug 10, 2017 - 12:42 PM

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***sticky please***


Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Spiked Shoe Cup - Waterloo, ON - August 19th 20  PostPosted: Aug 10, 2017 - 01:17 PM

Joined: Jan 29, 2013
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Guess I need to make little goblin masks for my 'flings after all.

Ursa Major '19 Champ.
The Tragically Hit - Amorical Cup 2517 Team Champs.
GLAM Stunty 2017

PLUS: 3x Stunty, 1x Most TD, 2x Best D, 2x Most CAS, 3x 2nd, 3x 3rd, 2x Spoon.
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Post subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Spiked Shoe Cup - Waterloo, ON - August 19t  PostPosted: Aug 10, 2017 - 02:16 PM

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      genghis wrote:
Guess I need to make little goblin masks for my 'flings after all.

just use a washable crayola for "greenface"

1st: Warpstone 2012, Brewhouse Bowl, Brewhouse Bowl III
Best Paint: Blingtoof 2012, ZB IX, Brewhaus Bowl II
Team Champs: ZB VIII, Lakeside Cup 2013, Amorical Cup 2017
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Post subject: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Spiked Shoe Cup - Waterloo, ON - August  PostPosted: Aug 11, 2017 - 04:51 PM

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trophies are done & prizes are packed!

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Aug 14, 2017 - 07:54 AM

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I will be attending from London. Hoping to get a friend or two to come. Unlikely but I will update you if I do.

I have a question. Tier 4 can roster a star but all other teams can still induce a star as normal?
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Aug 14, 2017 - 09:53 AM

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No. Only Tier 4 teams can bring stars to the party.

Ursa Major '19 Champ.
The Tragically Hit - Amorical Cup 2517 Team Champs.
GLAM Stunty 2017

PLUS: 3x Stunty, 1x Most TD, 2x Best D, 2x Most CAS, 3x 2nd, 3x 3rd, 2x Spoon.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Aug 14, 2017 - 11:44 AM

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      ttdb500 wrote:
I will be attending from London. Hoping to get a friend or two to come. Unlikely but I will update you if I do.

Wonderful, glad to have you join us. Are you coming with Anthony and Aaron?

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Aug 14, 2017 - 11:45 AM

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      ttdb500 wrote:
Tier 4 can roster a star but all other teams can still induce a star as normal?

"- Per the Team Race chart below, only Tier 4 teams may add 0-2 Star Players to their rosters."

Also, welcome to the NAF! I just noticed this is your first post.

Canadian Open, Feb 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Brewhouse Bowl 9, May 2025, Waterloo, Ontario
Amorical Cup 2024, June 1&2, Ottawa, Canada

NAF NTO, Canada
NAF Membership Coordinator, Canada
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Aug 14, 2017 - 10:11 PM

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Yes I have been in contact with Anthony, so Ill be meeting him there.

And darn on stars. I thought maybe still through inducements. IE if I went underworld and purposefully set my value around 900k to get the cash to induce a star.

I play skaven so just thinking about an alternative way to have more goblins on the field

Also thanks. Yes , just joined a week or so ago
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Aug 15, 2017 - 10:03 AM

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Can someone confirm the use of stars as inducements? NAF tourney rules just says inducements are always optional. Tournament rules here just state that I can't roster one but nothing on inducements.

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