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Post subject: [AUS] Mountain Bowl 19-2 (5th May in Penrith)  PostPosted: Mar 25, 2019 - 06:05 PM

Joined: Jul 28, 2006
Posts: 27
Location: Australia
Status: Offline
knine (24740) is running a 2nd Mountain Bowl this year as a Qualifier for the Ausbowl Team Championship (the Australia/ New Zealand Team Major)

Facebook Event

This will be submitted as a NAF Registered Event. New Coaches will be encouraged to join the NAF. The winner will qualify as a member of the NSW Team for the Ausbowl State Championship V - 2020 in NZ.

Rule Sets (the newer rules have precedence unless noted otherwise below):
• Blood Bowl Competition Rules Pack found at this link.
• NAF rules for 2019 at
• NAF teams as per the teams lists here (use this rule set for purchasing your team and stars):
• NAF Rules Amendments Aug17 at this link.
• The Chaos Pact, Slann and Underworld teams at this link.
• The Bretonnian and Khorne teams at this link.
• Plus, Spike magazine rules. But, as many people are not yet familiar with the Spike rules, if you’re going to use anything out of the Spike magazines, bring the Spike mag with you. If you can’t agree with your opponent about a Spike mag rule, check with the Commish (and our resident guru, Hutchi, is expected to be there to arbitrate).

Tournament Format:
• Start of the game: roll for weather, fans/fame and kick off; that’s it (no ref, cards, stadium, etc).
• Resurrection-style tournament with pre-selected skills and no roster/skill changes between games
• 4 game swiss style round robin; ties settled by strength of schedule, and if need be, total TDs, then total CAS, then dice off.
• Time table is below.
• Roster build – as per below.
• All inducements allowed except NO SPECIAL PLAY CARDS. And, no wizards.
• Teams must have a minimum of eleven (11) players (including star players, ie no journeymen).
• Prizes as noted below.
• Stunty teams do not include Lizards and Underworld.

Roster creation is as per the NSW Qualifier rule set (ie, same rules as per the NSW Open / ASC 2020):
• Each coach has a gold allowance with which to purchase a roster using the rules within the CRP and rules listed above. This allowance must be spent on players, apothecaries, team rerolls, assistant coaches, cheerleaders, fan factor, star players and all inducements (except special play cards, wizards and mercenaries – not allowed).
• In addition, each coach receives a skill allowance (free, ie you don’t use your gold to pay for these) in order to upgrade players on their roster. This allowance may be used to add skills to rostered players but not star players. The following restrictions apply:
o No player may be assigned more than one skill.
o Normal skills refer to those that can be taken by the player as if with a 3+4 roll on the improvement table.
o Double skills refer to those that can be taken as if with a 4+4 roll on the improvement table.
• In addition to the skills pack, you may choose one player on your team and assign them a Hero bonus of up to 70k of skills and stat upgrades as dictated by their skill access. Examples:
o You take a Wardancer, and give it :
 +STR and Side step = 70K; or
 Guard, Sure Hands and Catch = 70K; or
 Mighty Blow and Guard = 60K, but in this latter case you would not be using all of the 70K, ie you would lose 10K of the Hero bonus which can’t be used for anything else.
o This 70K is free, ie you don’t use your team gold for this, and it is in addition to the skills allowance.
o You cannot combine one of the skill pack skills with the Hero bonus, ie the Hero is a rostered player who ONLY has the 70K of additional skills/stat increase(s).
• Tier 1: Gold 1050000, 6 normal skills and 1 Hero bonus
o Wood elves, Undead, Dark elves, Lizardmen, Orc, Norse, Dwarves, Chaos Dwarves, Skaven, Necromantic, Pro Elves, Amazons, Bretonians.
• Tier 2: Gold 1100000, 5 normal skills and 1 double, and 1 Hero bonus
o Humans, High elves, Khemri, Chaos Pact, Chaos, Slann, Khorne
• Tier 3: Gold 1150000, 4 normal skills and 2 doubles, and 1 Hero bonus
o Underworld, Nurgles Rotters, Vampires
• Tier 4: Gold 1200000, 3 normal skills and 3 doubles, and 1 Hero bonus
o Halflings, Goblins, Ogres
• Star players purchased on a team’s roster count towards the 11 player minimum for roster. If both opposing coaches have same star player, both may still use the star player.
• Piling on: as per CRP (doesn’t require a team reroll).
• Email your team sheet to prior to the tournament.
• Please have your Real Name, NAF Name and NAF Number on your Teamsheet.
Additional Notes on Rules:
• All casualties, no matter how they are caused, count as a team casualty.
• Illegal Procedure is not playable unless BOTH coaches agree pre kickoff.
• One Match Report per Game (available from the Commissioner) has to be handed in and signed by both Coaches.

Team Rosters:
• No changes to the roster on the day of the tournament.
• I will provide copies of team sheets to all players for all games; including a copy of each team for each opponent.
• Numbers on the roster should match the numbers on your playing pieces!!!
• Email your team sheet to (if you cause a delay at the start of the tournament because you haven’t emailed me your teamsheet before the tournament, then you will be paired with another recalcitrant, and you should expect to start the first game late).
• Please have your Real Name, Team Name, NAF Name and NAF Number on your Teamsheet.

Time Table – to be confirmed!!!
0915 – 1145 Game 1+Lunch. Collect your team rosters, match record and paint vote slip, then hook into your game. Sort out lunch arrangements with your opponent.
1145 – 1400 Game 2
1400 – 1415 Break
1415 – 1630 Game 3
1630-1700 Break & dinner
1700-1915 Game 4
1930-1945 Award Presentations (and beer drinking if you’re so inclined!!!)

If you haven’t finished by 10 minutes to run, coaches are to note the current game turn, and the game will end on the current turn (after each player has completed it).
What To Bring?
• Your team including all miniatures; including star players
• A board. If everyone brings a board, then we will have twice as many boards as required, but if you have one bring it anyway.
• Dice. Some players like to share dice; some do not. Don’t be caught short if you have no dice and your opponent does not like to share!
• Official NAF Blocking Dice are preferred, but custom Blocking Dice can be used if opponent agrees to their use. Homemade dice, using d6’s as block dice or any dice modified or alterations in anyway are not allowed.
• Pens / Pencils! Bring some spares!
• Superglue in case an arm falls off a miniature and emergency repairs are required.

• Miniatures must be painted to a “decent” 3 colour minimum standard. If you ignore this rule and use any raw metal, your opponent gains +1 Fame.
• All miniatures must closely reflect the race and position of each player.
• All players must be clearly numbered with preference for the number to be on the base on the front and back.
• There is no restriction on the brand of miniatures, they do not have to be Games Workshop miniatures as long as they convey the genre that is blood bowl (eg: you cannot use lego men or any other “comical” item as a miniature).
• Star Players do not have to be the official GW Star Player miniature but must be painted again to a decent standard, but don’t need to be in your official team colours (eg, you may use your generic Griff or Varag or borrow one).

Painting & Modelling
There will be an award for best painted team.

As you play your opponents, you will have a voting slip to give a score for the quality of the painting on your opponent’s team.

The painting award is only for original work done by the coach using the team. If you didn’t paint your team, declare it to your opponent before they score your painting.

The point of this tournament is to find the next NSW ASC team member, and the rest of it is to promote Blood Bowl fun!....So, the prizes are a little on the odd side….

Coaches will select something from the prize table on the basis of the following order:

1. First Place!
2. Team with Armour 9 linemen that scores the most TDs
3. Team with Armour 7 linemen (or less) that scores the most CAS
4. Top Placed Rookie (has only had their NAF # for less than two years)
5. Best painted Team
6. 2nd place
7. 3rd place.
Each coach can only have one pick at the prize table.
Attitude / Etiquette
• Sportsmanship means different things to different people. The important thing is that we’re all playing for fun; therefore you should be engaging with your opponent, smile, enjoy the game win, lose or draw. Be gracious in both victory and in defeat.
• Having said that a few pointers:
o Throwing of dice or miniatures in anger will not be tolerated.
o Disagreements re rules etc should not get heated and should be referred to The Commissioner for adjudication before it gets to that stage.
o When you roll your 4th Double Skulls in the match, please be mindful of overly loud swearing as the event is held in a store, and there are kids around.
• We need to make sure we keep our Event Area clean, especially with food during the day, a quick rubbish pickup after the last game will occur.
• Match Reports need to be checked and signed by both coaches.
• Match Reports will be reviewed by Commissioner between rounds.

Cost is $20 up to 15 April, then $30 if paid after that.
BSB: 082918
Acct #: 188777312
Acct name: William Kourelakos

Location: Tentatively at Penrith RSL, but that booking has not yet been confirmed. Pencil it in for now.
Running late? Call me: 0424029212

NAF Regional Tourney Organiser (Australia/ New Zealand)

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