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Post subject: West Coast Grand Prix (WCGP) 2024  PostPosted: Feb 04, 2024 - 01:11 PM

Joined: Jan 01, 2009
United States of America
Posts: 56
Location: United States of America
Status: Offline
-Any tournament taking place in the following states or provinces may choose to be included in the WCGP:
US – Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah

The WCGP will run from January 1st to December 31st.

Tournament Organizer Information:

• All Approved Tournaments in 2024 will count for WCGP Tournament Points

o Tournament Organizers wishing to participate must do the following:

Contact the 2024 TSO with their intentions 2 months prior to their tournament date. All tournaments must be submitted a MINIMUM of 2 months in advance or it will need special permission to be eligible for WCGP tournament points.
Tournament results (a list of final placement) must be provided to the TSO within 14 days of the tournament's conclusion. Results that are not submitted within that window may be waived. Please include: Coach Name, NAF id, Race, Place, Award (If any)

Scoring Details
Coaches are only eligible for points if they are NAF members prior to taking part in the tournament.

There will be three rankings which will be tracked: Main Rankings, Stunty Rankings, Achievement Rankings.

Main Scoring Details
Each coach’s score will be determined by their cumulative point total from all tournaments attended within the region that were WCGP approved and had at least 10 coaches in attendance. Coaches will also receive Organizer points for tournaments during which the organizer did not play.

Participants will receive the following points for each tournament they attend:

• 10 to 1 points for top 10 placements
The winner receives 10 points, second place 9 points, tenth place will receive 1 point.
Should there be fewer than 10 coaches, the tournament will not count for the WCGP.

• Bonus points per 10 attendees as outlined below
• 0-10 attendees: no bonuses
• 11-20 attendees: [1-10] = +1
• 21-30 attendees: [1-10] = +2, [11-20] = +1
• 31-40 attendees: [1-10] = +3, [11-20] = +2, [21-30] = +1
• 41-50 attendees: [1-10] = +4, [11-20] = +3, [21-30] = +2, [31-40] = +1
• Etc…

• Bonus points for number of games in the tournament
This is independent of standing and given to all participants.
• 1-4 games: +1 bonus point
• 5 or more games: +2 bonus points

• Tiebreakers
Tiebreakers will be enforced in the following order:
• Number of tournaments won
• Number of races played
• Number of stunty races played
• Coin toss

Stunty Scoring Details
There will be an additional, separate scoring for stunty teams, which includes Goblin, Halfling¬, Ogre and Snotling teams.

The Stunty rankings will consider each coach’s score determined by their cumulative points for all tournaments during which they played stunty teams..

Achievement Scoring Details
The achievement scoring is separate from the main scoring. All participants also earn points by unlocking various WCGP TS achievements.

Note: Achievement points do not count towards the Main or Stunty rankings.

- Attend 3 tournaments (1 point)
- Attend 6 tournaments (1 point)
- Attend 9 tournaments (1 point)

Organizer (3 points max per organizer)
- 10-12 total tournament attendees (1 point)
- 14-29 total tournament attendees (1 point)
- 30+ total tournament attendees (1 point)

Race Diversity
- Play in tournaments with at least 3 different races (1 point)
- Play in tournaments with at least 6 different races (1 point)
- Play 3 tournaments as Stunty (1 point)
- Play a tournament with each of Halflings, Ogres, Goblins, Snotlings (1 point)

Tourney Awards
- Win a Best Painted award (1 point)
- Win most touchdowns at a tournament (1 point)
- Win most casualties at a tournament (1 point)
- Win best defense at a tournament (1 point)
- Win a Stunty Cup award (1 point)

- Play in tournaments in 4 different cities (1 point)

WCGP Awards
Prizes can be earned as follows.

• Attendance
o Individuals who attend a minimum of 8 tournaments will receive a special set of WCGP TS D6s

• Main Scoring
o Top 3 coaches will receive:
- NAF TS pins (gold/silver/bronze)
- Custom WCGP TS D6s (gold/silver/bronze)

• Stunty
o Top coach will receive:
- NAF TS stunty pin
- Custom WCGP TS D6s

• Achievements
o Top 3 coaches will receive:
- Custom WCGP TS D6s (gold/silver/bronze)

Note: Coaches will not be eligible for multiple custom WCGP TS D6s (i.e., gold-silver-bronze). Coaches will receive the “maximum” version (i.e., gold/silver/bronze) they have achieved in order to make room for additional coaches to partake in the rewards/prizes.

For example, if a coach places in the top 3 of both the main scoring and the achievements, they only claim one set of D6s. Coaches are still eligible to earn both a set of the attendance D6s and one set of the gold-silver-bronze D6s.
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