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Post subject: Chaos Dwarf Stadium Rules  PostPosted: Jan 26, 2005 - 08:53 PM

Joined: Aug 16, 2004
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Location: Canada
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These are the rules for the Chaos Dwarf Pitch that are planning to be used in the Challenge of Q'ermitt tournament in Toronto, Canada. The idea is that there will be nine specially built pitches in the tournament, each of which will have some special rules. My intention is to keep it a "regular" game of Blood Bowl, but give each board it's own flavour which represents the geographic region and the race which lives there.

Without further adieu I present......

The Chaos Dwarf Pitch:


The chaos dwarves are a proud race and are more concerned with building bigger, louder and more environmentally unfriendly weapons than they are with tending to the more menial tasks in life. For this they employ the use of their hobgoblin slaves. Unfortunately, the hobgoblins share their lack of interest in the menial tasks, and so often very little gets done unless brutally enforced.

It is widely known amongst the Blood Bowl players and fans of the world that the hobgoblins are without a doubt the worst grounds keepers in the game. The pitches of the Chaos Dwarf stadiums are invariably riddled with craters and debris as their Blood Bowl fields often double as a target range. Situated near active volcanoes, the players had better watch themselves as when the ground rumbles it is sometimes hard to distinguish between an earthshaker cannon and a volcanic eruption until it is too late!

The Playing Field:
The ground is so riddled with craters, debris, garbage and is just so poorly kept that it makes it difficult for players to right themselves amongst all the refuse. Any players who are knocked prone for whatever reason must pay an additional 1 point of movement to stand. If they only have 3MA or less, then they must roll to stand on a 4+ they are successful, on a 1-3 they remain down.

Weather Table:
2 ??? Earth Tremors ??? The ground is rumbling and shaking. Whether it is an active volcano, a Chaos Dwarf weapon of destruction or an earth quake is all a moot point. The fact of the matter is that it is very difficult to move. No "go for it" moves may be made until the next kick off when the weather table should be rolled on again.

3-5 ??? Blizzard! It???s cold and snowing! The ice on the pitch means that any player attempting to move an extra square will slip and fall on a roll of 1-2, while the falling snow means that only quick or short passes can be attempted.

6-9 ??? Nice - as nice as a polluted wasteland gets - but no game effect anyways.

10-11 - Smog ??? a thick blanket of toxic fumes settle on the pitch making it difficult to breathe. After every drive, roll a d6 for every player who took place in the last drive. On the roll of a 1 they are too winded and must sit in the reserves box until the next kick off.

12 ??? Ash Wind - The wind is carrying thick clouds of ash that is making it near impossible to see. Passes may only be made at the quick and short range (this may not be modified by strong arm).

Kick off Table:

2 ??? ???Oi! Someone pinched me kit!??? ??? hobgoblins are notorious thieves and one has made off with one of the player???s armour. Each coach rolls a d6 and the loser has been victimized (if tied then both coaches have been affected!) The next player who is stunned on the affected team will treat the result as a KO instead as their helmet has gone missing. (thick skull may be used as normal).

3 ??? Fire in the hole! The chaos dwarfs are known for nothing if not for their penchant for explosive weaponry! Each coach should roll 2d6 and add their team???s fan factor (re-rolling any ties). A randomly selected player on the losing side is hit by a lobbed bomb. The player hit will be knocked over as though hit by a player with mighty blow. Also, any player in that player???s tackle zone will be moved pushed back 1 square as though they were hit by the player hit by the bomb (stand firm will have normal effect). Once resolved, the moved player will also be placed prone, but with normal armour rolls.

4 - Earth Tremor ??? The ground begins to shake and rumble making it difficult for players to stand. Once the players are set up, roll a d6 for every player on the field. On the roll of a 1 they are knocked off their feet and placed face up on the pitch (no roll for armour or injury is made).

5 ??? Perfect defence ??? as per normal kick off rules.

6 ??? Bad Kick ??? as per normal kick off rules.

7 ??? Weather - as per normal kick off rules.

8 ??? Quick Snap - as per normal kick off rules.

9 ??? Brilliant Coaching - as per normal kick off rules.

10 ??? Blitz! - as per normal kick off rules.

11 ??? Blunderbuss! One of the players on the field has now become the victim of a Chaos Dwarf blunderbuss attack! Given that the weapon is such short range, it will be targeted at the player who is closest to the sidelines ??? randomize if there is more than one player that are equally distant from either side line. This player suffers an injury roll straight away. Furthermore if there is a player directly in front of or behind (towards either end zone) then they as well will be hit with the indiscriminate weapon with the same effect.

12 ??? Volcanic Eruption! The volcano which houses the mighty chaos dwarf forges nearby has erupted! Chunks of flaming rock are flying down onto the field, threatening the players as they run for their lives. The game will be delayed for d3 turns while the players wait for the eruption to subside. Furthermore, each team should roll a d6. On the roll of a 1, one of their players has been struck by the molten rock and will suffer an injury roll with +1 to the dice roll.

Any thoughts, ideas or comments are welcome.

#1 Nurgle coach in Canada (formerly the world!)
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 28, 2005 - 03:21 AM

Joined: Feb 11, 2003

Posts: 136

Status: Offline
Hilarious indeed .. great!
Tell us how they went on the tourney ..
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