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Post subject: Lizardman Temple Rules  PostPosted: Jan 14, 2005 - 10:16 AM

Joined: Aug 16, 2004
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Here are the rules for the board that will be used for the finals in the Challenge of Q'ermitt tournament - the temple of Q'ermitt himself!

The Temple of Q???ermitt:

The pitch itself is hundreds of hand carved stones carefully laid out to the proper dimensions of the field. Hand-laid mosaics indicate the side lines and endzones. Perhaps the most striking difference the teams will notice is that there are no audience of this game save the mighty Q???ermitt himself and his attendant skinks. While this may seem to save the players the danger of being pushed into the crowds, the entire outer edge of the pitch is surrounded by a deep pit filled with cruel spikes.

When playing in the Temple of Q???ermitt, players must be ware of the following special rules:

Stone pitch: Being a much harder surface than even a hobgoblin-maintained stadium, the stone surface is more likely to cause injury than a regular Blood Bowl pitch. Any player who falls to the ground and is required to make an armour roll, must add +1 to the die roll.

<note - will this give AV7 teams a distinct diasadvantage?>

Spiked Pit: Given the option of falling into this spiked pit or jumping into a crowd of deranged frothing Blood Bowl fans, most players would choose the latter. Not only is the floor of the pit covered in he same hard, unforgiving stone, but the spikes that threaten to skewer the unwary are a sure way to ruin anyone???s day. Any players pushed into the pit must roll for injury as normal, but add +1 for the spiky bits. If a player was holding the ball at the time of his being pushed in, then Q???ermitt will use his magic to prevent the ball from going down. Scatter the ball as per a regular throw-in.

Weather - Being securely located within the confines of the step-pyramid, the temple of Q???ermitt is not subject to the fickle weather conditions that other stadiums may be. Disregard the need to roll for weather. But if you feel you must, please roll on the following chart:

2-12 - Nice. Perfect Blood Bowl weather. Okay? You happy now?

Q???ermitt???s intentions are to see the skill of the players on the Blood Bowl field. He realizes that death and injury is a part of the process of determining a champion, but he will not abide for players to be illegally fouled during the game. If a player chooses to foul another player, the rules for spotting are followed as normal (6+ for the first foul, and 4+ thereafter). However, unlike normal referees who rely only on their eyes to watch a team, Q???ermitt is able to maintain watch over both teams simultaneously should their actions warrant it. His vigilance however, like a normal referee will be relaxed after the half ends.

Players who are caught fouling are blasted into oblivion by the mighty Q???ermitt and may not be brought back into the game by any means. Being a being of incredible power, Q???ermitt does not like to be questioned, and will not tolerate anybody to argue with his decisions. As such, head coaches are not allowed to argue with Q???ermitt. His decision is final!

Kick off table results:
2 - ???Me ???ead ???urts!??? The strong psychic emanations being produced by the excited Slann Mage are causing no small amount of discomfort to the players. Until the next half or kick-off, all players are treated as ???Bonehad??? as per the big guy rules.

3 - Earth tremor - The Lustrian jungles are no stranger to eatquakes and the like. While the temple is largely protected, it may still suffer from the occasional tremor. Roll a d6 for each and every player on the field. On the roll of a 1, they are put prone (face up) to represent their shaky footing. No injury roll is made, but they must sacrifice the 3 movement points to stand as normal.

4 - Cheerleaders - even without a crowd, the cheerleaders are an inspiration to the team. Each coach rolls a d6 and add the number of cheerleaders to the roll. The higest roll may take a free re-roll

5 - Brilliant coaching - as per normal kick off rules

6 - Bad Kick - as per normal kick off rules

7 - Deep in thought - The Slann are often contemplating the many mysteries of the universe, and even a game of Blood Bowl cannot hold their attention all the time. The coaches notice that Q???ermitt???s eyes have rolled back into his head as is no longer aware of what is happening in the game. Until the next half or a touchdown is scored, no penalties may be called against either team for committing fouls.

8 - Perfect Defense - as per normal kick off rules

9 - Quick Snap - as per normal kick off rules

10 - Blitz! - as per normal kick off rules

11 - Q???ssit B???ttr - with an almost imperceptible nod, the Slann indicates that the services of the healing skink Q???ssit B???ttr are required. One players from either team may be brought back from any injury that they have sustained (even death). Although players may be brought back from death, remember that any skills accumulated in the tournament will be lost if they are brought back in this way. Also note, that the skink can only bring back injured players, not those blasted by Q???ermitt for committing fouls.

12 - Time Warp - The ebb and flow of time is as much a tool to the Old Slann as a hammer is to a human, or a pointy stick to an orc. For reasons known only to him, Q???ermitt has chosen to affect the flow of time at this juncture. Roll a d6. On a 1-3 each coach must move their turn counters back 1 turn, on a 4-6 they must move their turn counters forward one turn.

Please LMK what you think!


#1 Nurgle coach in Canada (formerly the world!)
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Post subject: Re: Lizardman Temple Rules  PostPosted: Jan 14, 2005 - 10:32 AM

Joined: Feb 10, 2003
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      Spazzfist wrote:

Stone pitch: Being a much harder surface than even a hobgoblin-maintained stadium, the stone surface is more likely to cause injury than a regular Blood Bowl pitch. Any player who falls to the ground and is required to make an armour roll, must add +1 to the die roll.

Please LMK what you think!


In the final match I don't think it's a good idea to give high av teams a distinct advantage. Just MHO.

aka Rob (NAF #248)
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 14, 2005 - 10:48 AM

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Yes, +1 to AV is probably a bit too harsh.

If you really want to represent the hardness of the pitch you could increase the chance of a KO instead, say making KO 7-9 instead of 8-9.

To give something back to the finesse teams you could say that the smooth surface of the pitch makes sprinting a little less dangerous. So whenever a player fails a go for it they may then take an unmodified AG roll to keep on their feet. Obviously if they fail the AG roll then they wouldn't be allowed to go back and re roll the go for it. (Worth saying just to make sure no one tries to get 2 AG rolls to avoid falling over.)
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Post subject: Re: Lizardman Temple Rules  PostPosted: Jan 14, 2005 - 10:49 AM

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      Melifaxis wrote:
In the final match I don't think it's a good idea to give high av teams a distinct advantage. Just MHO.

Yeah, it was more of a fluff thing, as the floor of the temple will be stone. That's why I added the note. I am not a major mathematician like some of the others here, but I do know enough to know 7 is the most likely combination on 2 dice. Add +1 to that and you will have a lot more hurt players.

Consider it gone.


#1 Nurgle coach in Canada (formerly the world!)
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 14, 2005 - 12:18 PM

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      Mordredd wrote:
Yes, +1 to AV is probably a bit too harsh.
If you really want to represent the hardness of the pitch you could increase the chance of a KO instead, say making KO 7-9 instead of 8-9.

A low AV player gets penetrated more often (get yer mind out of the gutter.....) and with the most common roll of "7" on two dice it helps to ensure that they are only stunned (and still on the pitch).

To make 7-9 a Ko'd result, would perhaps hurt the low AV teams even more as they will still be penetrated, but then be knocked out more often, and thereby off the pitch If you change you had better hope that you do not face a dwarf opponent in the finals!

In conclusion, I think that I will just leave the armour and injuries as normal. No modifiers - as you say for the finals - you want to ensure a level playing field.


#1 Nurgle coach in Canada (formerly the world!)
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