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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 19, 2006 - 12:56 PM

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the way i see it is that there should be a stand alone team event. one team per country with each participant each having a different race organised however you want it to be organised.

now the question is what to do with everyone else. do you then try and set up another team event? run in a similar way? maybe have groups of teams together who then proceed into some kind of final? do you keep it individual and have a proper reason for going i.e super smashing great prizes that are very much out of the ordinary for normal competitions?

you have to make it worth people's time and effort to enter the second competition if they're not selected for their country. you want to make it different then a seperate team tourney may be the way to go. have say 4 teams in each group who all play each other once on the first day. second day they play say one team from other groups. the top ranked 8 go into a quarter finals where 1 plays 8 2 plays 7 etc. winners then progress to semi's and finals.

that way everyone has the chance to play in something different, it would give people the chance to meet new people and strike up new friendships and there would be the kudos of being the world club champions (ok i made that up but it's not a bad name for it)

well that's what i reckon anyway.

Team Scotlands Forum

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Post subject: Re: Concerns  PostPosted: Nov 19, 2006 - 01:13 PM

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      Lucifer wrote:
1) I personally do not want to see Eurobowl replaced with "Eurobowl + 1 Rest of the World Team". For me, the raison d'etre of the World Cup should be to have at least 3 non-European competing sides to be valid. If it was "Eurobowl + 1 Rest of the World Team" then why don't we hold Eurobowl as normal in Spain in 2007 and invite an American/RotW Team to attend (with the obvious proviso that the tournament would not be hosted by them if they won). The "Euro" bit of Eurobowl could stand for where it's held; not necessarily its participants.

I like the idea of inviting non-European countries to Eurobowl. If you make it quite clear now that they are welcome you would probably get a USA or Canadian team at the next event and possibly even an Australian team from time to time - probably not every year, unless we rotate different coaches each time.

In this case the World Cup needs to be not just an alternate Eurobowl and not just an alternate individual event. Maybe the best option is to keep the idea of a teams event but throw it open to any teams from anywhere.

There might be 5 teams representing regions or cities in England, 2 or 3 form most European countries and 1 or 2 each from USA, Canada and Australia. If some countries cannot make up a team they could combine with a nearby country. This is already likely with Australia + New Zealand, but if not enough Australians can make this one then they could get together with Canadians, Mexico, Asia, Africa etc for a Rest-of-the-World team.

There would need to be a limit on the number of teams from any one country (5?) but that would allow the existing Eurobowl teams to stay together while others from those countries also had the right to play.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 19, 2006 - 01:39 PM

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so basically like a world club championship where mates get teams together from any source?

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 19, 2006 - 02:05 PM

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This idea is still in the hopper - do you feel like those coaches who may want to come but not know enough to form a team, will then be comfortable playing on a team that is formed upon arrival?

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Post subject: Re: Concerns  PostPosted: Nov 19, 2006 - 02:57 PM

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      Lucifer wrote:
For me there are a couple of reasons why I'm not 100% convinced over the World Cup as it stands:

1) I personally do not want to see Eurobowl replaced with "Eurobowl + 1 Rest of the World Team". For me, the raison d'etre of the World Cup should be to have at least 3 non-European competing sides to be valid. If it was "Eurobowl + 1 Rest of the World Team" then why don't we hold Eurobowl as normal in Spain in 2007 and invite an American/RotW Team to attend (with the obvious proviso that the tournament would not be hosted by them if they won). The "Euro" bit of Eurobowl could stand for where it's held; not necessarily its participants.

Looking past the first tournament, I would agree, Lucifer, and hope that more of the rest of the world will attend a World Cup. But the NAF as an international group must by default declare whatever event it chooses to run open to the world, lest it be seen as favoring one region over another.
I don't see how Spain loses, as first honorary hosts of the World Cup then defacto hosts the next Eurobowl.
There will never be a guarantee for the number of teams attending from any one country or region and the NAF needs to begin somewhere. While we could certainly postpone the event, I'm not sure there are such a great variety of formats that will suit the needs of the World Cup and I believe the format can be settled pretty quickly.

      Lucifer wrote:
2) The format, so far the major sticking point, should be unique AND should be the first thing announced, not the last. Once this has been decided, then country should be next and finally date and venue. It seems to me that everything's been done back to front.

The loudest screams by far were for "dates" and "place" rather than "ruleset" and I agree - as far as personal planning goes, I'd much rather know when and where because I know no matter the specific ruleset or format, I'm going to have a good time seeing friends, making new ones, and taking in the atmosphere. While I agree the format should be unique and probably in retrospect should have been the discussion for the past weeks and months, we are now here, with all things still possible and attainable.

      Lucifer wrote:
3) All nations should have a fair and equal chance of challenging/winning.

Assuming that the World Cup is even a competition among only nations of this real world. Imagine for a moment an open team competition with teams not only from modern day Europe but Brettonion, or Skaven Clan teams or whatever team 6 or 8 coaches decide to form! Anything is still possible but speaking to what I think is your central point: all TEAMS should have a fair and equal chance of challenging and winning.

      Lucifer wrote:
As it has now been over 6 months since the World Cup was announced, and it's proposed date is less than 12 months away, I am worried by not seeing a lot of firm ideas about what it is supposed to be. Given that Australasia/New World players have indicated a minimum of 12 months notice it may be worth considering delaying the World Cup until later (early-mid 2008) and spending the next couple of months thrashing out the best ideas for a format without the pressure of a looming deadline.

As mentioned above, I regret the lost time but now we have place, now we have time, and I think the pressure of a deadline serves to force discusssion and decision. I see that Mordredd has created a poll on TBB, and there are many posting here on the forum - now can be that time for thrashing out what will please the greatest number....

Good post GP... I appreciate your thoughts and concur in many ways...

Tournament Organizer - The Three Kingdoms Challenge
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 19, 2006 - 03:11 PM

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      Old_Man_Monkey wrote:
This idea is still in the hopper - do you feel like those coaches who may want to come but not know enough to form a team, will then be comfortable playing on a team that is formed upon arrival?

It should be possible to organise everyone into a team well in advance, although (based on some reports from Eurobowl) we will need a few locals who can fill in for any team that has members missing at the last minute.

I wouldn't want to encourage anyone to travel from outside Europe in the hope that they get on some Mongrel Horde team on the day. However, if we have coordinators for each region then it should be clear well in advance which countries have some interested members but not enough to make a team, or if some have a few spares left over. If they can get in contact with each other they will have several months to choose a captain, pick a team theme, decide a team name, coach uniform, player paint scheme, team song and anything else to get a team spirit going. You won't get the same team spirit (let alone team uniforms and colours) by waiting until the day of the event.

This might mean, for example, that I only decide to go if Zombie from Canada also wants to go, and that neither of us has any other team to go with, so it would take a few months to sort out these combined teams.
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 20, 2006 - 02:09 AM

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      Aramil wrote:
Last year I was in Liverpool and I played no BB matches at all... but I still remember it as my best BB tournament ever!
Eurobowl as it is now IS about socialising.. and if you want it this way, why changing something that works perfectly?

But we're not talking about a few Euros spending a couple of hundred pounds each to attend, we're talking about trying to get US/Canada/Oz/ROTW to attend, possibly running into the thousands of pounds to attend, and looking into the future, the same amount of money spend by Euros to attend tourneys in the US/Canada/Oz/somewhere else in the world. Apart from those pre-selected for (as an example) Team US, can you honestly expect that many US to drop that sort of money just to pop over, and possibly not even play in an event that has any relevence?

Looking at it from the opposite direction, say in 2011 the event is held in the US. It's going to cost me (example) £1000 to attend, and I'm not in team England, so I don't get to play. I'd rather save the money (assuming I had it), and attend a "proper" US tourney (GenCon, Chaos Cup, a Canadian tourney).

If we want lots of ROTW (for want of a better label) coaches to attend then we need to make it worth their while, not just make it for a select few, and make the rest hangers-on.

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#27 of the "24 club" (due to some dodgy accounting)
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 20, 2006 - 02:12 AM

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      Old_Man_Monkey wrote:
This idea is still in the hopper - do you feel like those coaches who may want to come but not know enough to form a team, will then be comfortable playing on a team that is formed upon arrival?


i certainly don't see why not, especially if they're in groups of say 2 or 3 forming teams together. that way they still have their comfortable zone for want of a better term playing with their mates but also the chance of meeting new people and sparking off new friendships. hell everyone i've met through bb have been fine upstanding members of society, well alright most of them Wink

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 20, 2006 - 02:49 AM

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Maybe a stupid idea, but none the less.

Most people seem to want teams of 8 persons.

Everybody would like to play in the team event so....

Let UK form 10 teams of 8 and Holland 3 teams of 8 etc, etc
Let the "rest"be in a "rest" team.

First two days have the teams play against each other.
Last day have the best 8 Nation teams enter the final day and the rest will enjoy Death Bowl, Street Bowl or whatever.

Best team will win the team Cup. Best player will be the one with most points after all days out of all players.

Ergo: almost everybody gets to play in a team belonging to their Nation.
everybody has a chance to win the team cup and the individual tournament.

Sidenote: You need to make sure all games will last as long as the others or you will have schedule problems. Streetbowl takes less time than a normal game of BB and with Dungeonbowl you never know how long a game will last.

My two cents.

Coach of halflings that kill!
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Nov 20, 2006 - 07:15 AM

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Rather than post this again

best of both worlds?

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 02, 2007 - 10:48 AM
Ex-Rulz Committee

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Deathwing ...

I'm hoping we could see the World Cup format and rules within the next couple weeks ... is that possible.

I know myself and many of those that discuss BB with me want the World Cup to be a "must attend" event ... so I'm hoping the rules and format can be provided soon.


Last edited by GalakStarscraper on Jan 02, 2007 - 06:55 PM; edited 3 times in total
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Jan 03, 2007 - 10:38 AM
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      GalakStarscraper wrote:
Deathwing ...

I'm hoping we could see the World Cup format and rules within the next couple weeks ... is that possible.

I know myself and many of those that discuss BB with me want the World Cup to be a "must attend" event ... so I'm hoping the rules and format can be provided soon.


I intended to have rules/format posted by the New Year, but **** happens as they say. I did find some time over the holiday period though, and it's actually about there. Expect it within the next coupla days rather than weeks.

Ex-UK NTO,ex- Senior Tourney Co-Ordinator, ex-VP and ex-President....because Lycos says that new members don't know who I was..
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Feb 18, 2007 - 02:07 PM

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Would it be possible to get some NAF merchandise in frpm Cafepress? The WC seems like an ideal time to buy some, but the shipping on the few items I want put me off. I sure with a (hopefully!) couple of hundred NAF members in one place we could shift a few t-shirts etc.

_____ and rankings - that is all
#27 of the "24 club" (due to some dodgy accounting)
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Post subject:   PostPosted: Feb 19, 2007 - 11:27 AM

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I believe that is in the works, as part of the vendor room at the 'official' hotel (as yet undetermined but nearly there....!)
As I remember, 'Air Jordell' caps and NAF patches, long awaited accoutrements by some of the members, will at last make an apprearance...

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